The Society for Urban Ecology (SURE)
JANA SCHULER in Istanbul (September 2024)

JANA SCHULER in Istanbul (September 2024)

Past SURE Student Grants

Home university, department:

University of applied sciences Weihenstephan Triesdorf, Germany

Faculty of Landscape Architecture

Course of studies:

Landscape Architecture

SURE event attended:

SURE Summer School ‘URBAN + COAST’, in Istanbul, Türkiye

Date of SURE event attended:

2-8 September 2024

Contribution to SURE event (format/topic):

Participation in the lectures, group discussions and other activities.

Please share in few sentences your most exciting learnings during the SURE event:

During the SURE event, one of the most exciting learnings for me was discovering how different cities implement innovative approaches to integrate urban nature and sustainable development. I was particularly fascinated by the concept of urban wilderness and how it can be promoted to enhance both biodiversity and quality of life in cities. The exchange with international participants highlighted the diverse challenges faced in urban spaces worldwide, emphasizing the importance of global cooperation for shared solutions. The combination of scientific insights and practical workshops was especially valuable to me. These experiences further fuelled my interest in urban agriculture and rewilding.

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