10th Anniversary Workshop of Society for Urban Ecology in Bucharest was successful!
The Challenging Urban Nature and Nature’S Role in URban ChallEnges
Venue: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania
Organizer: Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies, Faculty of Geography – University of Bucharest and Society for Urban Ecology – South East Europe Chapter
Society for Urban Ecology in partnership with Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies have organised the 10th anniversary Workshop of Society for Urban Ecology – The Challenging Urban Nature and Nature’S Role in URban ChallEnges, in Bucharest, September 5-6, 2019. The workshop was part of the
The workshop aimed to cover topics related to the use of nature in facing urban challenges, including the application of nature-based solutions, planning for eco, smart, resilient and sustainable cities and environmental conflicts involving green and protected areas.
28 researcher and students participated from 8 countries (Romania, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Russia, Poland).
The workshop started with the presentation of the most important results of Society for Urban Ecology, related with organised events (SURE Congress, symposium, workshops, summer schools), supporting projects, interships, common papers. The president of Society for Urban Ecology, Prof. Jürgen Breuste presented the newest result of SURE, the book
„Making Green Cities – Concepts, Challenges and Practice” (edited by Breuste, J.; M. Artmann; C. Ioja; S. Qureshi), Springer which will be publisdh still 2019.
It is the outcome of research and practice on urban ecology of our SURE members.
The meetings of the two working groups: Eco City: Planning for eco, smart, resilient and sustainable cities (coordinated by professor Jurgen Breuste) and Urban Agriculture (coordinated by dr. Martina Artmann) was of high relevance for the further work of SURE.
The workshop has been organized with support from the project PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0635 – Nature-based solutions for increasing cities resilience and sustainability, funded by Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI).
The relevant contributions from the workshop will be published in the SURE partner journal
Sustainability – Special Issue “Dealing with Environmental Conflicts“
edited by Cristian Iojă, Jurgen Breuste and Mihai Răzvan Niță.
Prof. Cristian Ioja, SURE chapter South East Europe
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