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“Urban Ecosystems” is a scientific journal published monthly by Springer. It is the flagship of the SURE. Most of the EC members serve at the Editorial Board of the journal which attests the close working equation of the leading scientists with the publisher.
High quality original papers can be submitted online using journal`s online editoral manager. The papers will go throug the normal double blind review process.
The first special issue under the banner of SURE has just been published in Urban Ecosystems – the flagship of the SURE: Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2013; Special Issue: Society for Urban Ecology; ISSN: 1083-8155 (Print) 1573-1642 (Online)
In this issue (12 articles):

1. Applied urban ecology for sustainable urban environment by Jürgen Breuste, Salman Qureshi, Junxiang Li
2. Ecosystem services of urban green spaces in African countries—perspectives and challenges by Sarel Cilliers, Juaneé
Cilliers, Rina Lubbe, Stefan Siebert
3. Mainstreaming urban ecosystem services: A national survey of municipal foresters by Robert F. Young
4. Assembling the pieces: a framework for the integration of multi-functional ecological main structure in the emerging
urban region of Bogotá, Colombia by Germán I. Andrade, Fernando Remolina, Diana Wiesner
5. Sustainable urban greening strategies for compact cities in developing and developed economies by C. Y. Jim
6. Urban ecosystems and sustainable urban development—analysing and assessing interacting systems in the
Stockholm region by Ulla Mörtberg, Jan Haas, Andreas Zetterberg, Joel P. Franklin
7. Socio-ecological systems and biodiversity conservation in African city: Insights from Kano Emir’s Palace gardens by
Aliyu Salisu Barau, A. N. M. Ludin, Ismail Said
8. Investigations of the urban street tree forest of Mendoza, Argentina by Jürgen H. Breuste
9. Urban landscapes – everyday environmental encounters, their meaning and importance for the individual by Richard
Coles, Zoé Millman, John Flannigan
10. Use of visitors’ perception in urban reserves in the Buenos Aires metropolis by Patricia Perelman, Juergen Breuste,
Nora Madanes, Christine Gropper
11. Differential community and the perception of urban green spaces and their contents in the megacity of Karachi,
Pakistan by Salman Qureshi, Jürgen H. Breuste, C. Y. Jim
12. Assessment of landscape patterns affecting land surface temperature in different biophysical gradients in Shenzhen,
China by Miaomiao Xie, Yanglin Wang, Qing Chang, Meichen Fu, Minting Ye
The Journal Ecological Processes is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. Now, it is an Associated Journal of the Society for Urban Ecology. Ecological Processes is an Open Access peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the publication of high quality research, with articles on all aspects of biological, chemical, physical, and hydrological processes of ecosystem and landscape dynamics across spatial and temporal scales, while highlighting topics of current interest in certain issues. Emphasis is placed on techniques, approaches, and concepts, including but not limited to: descriptive, comparative, experimental, mathematical, statistical, and interdisciplinary approaches. Ecological Processes aims to provide better understanding of the ecosystem processes and landscape processes, therefore, better management of ecosystems and environments.

Special Issue of Sustainability now published:
“A Systemic Perspective on Urban Food Supply: Assessing Different Types of Urban Agriculture“
edited by Martina Artmann, Kathrin Specht, Jan Vávra and Marius Rommel,
This Special Issue was initiated in the course of various sessions organized by the guest editors in the course of the ESP Europe conference 2018 in San Sebastian (Spain), the IALE World Congress 2019 in Milan (Italy) and the Dresden Nexus Conference 2020 (Germany).
In total, the Special Issue comprises 15 articles including one conceptual paper and 14 case studies from different countries: Australia, Benin, China, Czechia, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the UK. The papers cover a broad range of impact and implementation dimensions, assessment methods and geographical backgrounds that can support future studies to develop a systemic perspective on urban food production.
The guest editors want to express our sincere gratitude to all authors and reviewers who have contributed their time and effort to make this Special Issue possible and we are looking forward to further exchange and research on this topic, such as in the course of the SURE Working Group on urban agriculture.
Special Issue of Ecological Indicators (Volume 96, Part 2, Pages 1-120, January 2019) now published:
edited by Martina Artmann, Luis Inostroza, Peilei Fan
This special issue was initiated in the course of the eponymous symposium organized by the guest editors in the course of the second World Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology.
The guest editors want to express their sincere gratitude to all authors and reviewers who have contributed their time and effort to make this special issue possible. We hope that this special issue helps current research dealing with urban sprawl, compact and green cities. In particular, we believe that this special issue can contribute to the much demanded holistic science of cities.
In this issue (see Content):
– From urban sprawl to compact green cities – advancing multi-scale and multi-dimensional analysis by Martina Artmann, Luis Inostroza, Peilei Fan
– Urban sprawl, compact urban development and green cities. How much do we know, how much do we agree? by Martina Artmann, Luis Inostroza, Peilei Fan
– How smart growth and green infrastructure can mutually support each other — A conceptual framework for compact and green cities by Martina Artmann, Manon Kohler, Gotthard Meinel, Jing Gan, Ioan-Cristian Ioja
– Understanding the spatiotemporal variation of urban land expansion in oasis cities by integrating remote sensing and multi-dimensional DPSIR-based indicators by Yaqun Liu, Wei Song, Xiangzheng Deng
– Integrated evaluation framework for environmental planning in the context of compact green cities by Benjamin Richter, Martin Behnisch
– Urban sprawl in a megaregion: A multiple spatial and temporal perspective by Weiqi Zhou, Min Jiao, Wenjuan Yu, Jia Wang
– Methodological framework for urban sprawl control through sustainable planning of urban green infrastructure by Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis, Mihai Răzvan Niță, Diana Andreea Onose, Denisa Lavinia Badiu, Irina Iulia Năstase
– Using multi-seasonal Landsat imagery for rapid identification of abandoned land in areas affected by urban sprawl by Simona R. Grădinaru, Felix Kienast, Achilleas Psomas
– Combining high-resolution images and LiDAR data to model ecosystem services perception in compact urban systems by Raffaele Lafortezza, Vincenzo Giannico
– Planning multifunctional green infrastructure for compact cities: What is the state of practice? by Rieke Hansen, Anton Stahl Olafsson, Alexander P.N. van der Jagt, Emily Rall, Stephan Pauleit
– Spatial pattern of urban green spaces in a long-term compact urbanization process—A case study in China by Caige Sun, Tao Lin, Qianjun Zhao, Xinhu Li, Hong Ye, Guoqin Zhang, Xiaofang Liu
First outcomes of the SURE World Congress 2013 in Berlin are published now with the Special Issue of Ecological Indicators
First outcomes of the SURE World Congress 2013 in Berlin are published now with the Special Issue of Ecological Indicators (Volume 42, Pages 1-160; July 2014)
“Contemporary concepts and novel methods fostering indicator-based approach to urban complexities” (edited by Salman Qureshi & Dagmar Haase)
In this issue (14 articles):
1. Compact, eco-, hybrid or teleconnected? Novel aspects of urban ecological research seeking compatible solutions to socio-ecological complexities by Salman Qureshi, Dagmar Haase
Novel indicators of urban systems
2. Oxidative stress of House Sparrow as bioindicator of urban pollution by Amparo Herrera-Dueñas, Javier Pineda, María Teresa Antonio, José I. Aguirre
3. Measuring urban ecosystem functions through ‘Technomass’—A novel indicator to assess urban metabolism by Luis Inostroza
4. Heavy metal content in urban soils as an indicator of anthropogenic and natural influences on landscape of Karachi—A multivariate spatio-temporal analysis by Zahida Karim, Bilal Aslam Qureshi, Majid Mumtaz, Salman Qureshi
5. Urban material flow analysis: An approach for Bogotá, Colombia by William H. Alfonso Piña, Clara Inés Pardo Martínez
Urban ecosystem services: integrated approaches
6. Urban morphological determinants of temperature regulating ecosystem services in two African cities by Gina Cavan, Sarah Lindley, Fatemeh Jalayer, Kumelachew Yeshitela, Stephan Pauleit, Florian Renner, Susannah Gill, Paolo Capuano, Alemu Nebebe, Tekle Woldegerima, Deusdedit Kibassa, Riziki Shemdoe
7. Urban vegetation structure types as a methodological approach for identifying ecosystem services – Application to the analysis of micro-climatic effects by Iris Lehmann, Juliane Mathey, Stefanie Rößler, Anne Bräuer
8. Linkages between ecosystem services provisioning, urban growth and shrinkage – A modeling approach assessing ecosystem service trade-offs by Steffen Lauf, Dagmar Haase, Birgit Kleinschmit
9. Assessing the changes in land use and ecosystem services in Changzhou municipality, Peoples’ Republic of China, 1991–2006 by F. Li, Y.P. Ye, B.W. Song, R.S. Wang, Y. Tao
Multi-criteria analysis of urban complexities
10. Identification of interconnections between landscape pattern and urban dynamics—Case study Bratislava, Slovakia by Peter Baus, Urban Kováč, Eva Pauditšová, Ivana Kohutková, Jozef Komorník
11. Using multi-criteria analysis for the identification of spatial land-use conflicts in the Bucharest Metropolitan Area by Cristian Ioan Iojă, Mihai Răzvan Niţă, Gabriel Ovidiu Vânău, Diana Andreea Onose, Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis
12. Accessibility to greenspaces: GIS based indicators for sustainable planning in a dense urban context by Daniele La Rosa
13. Applying the concept of spatial resilience to socio-ecological systems in the urban wetland interface by Yangfan Li, Yalou Shi, Salman Qureshi, Antje Bruns, Xiaodong Zhu
14. Assessing national park resource condition along an urban–rural gradient in and around Washington, DC, USA by Todd R. Lookingbill, John Paul Schmit, Samantha M. Tessel, Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Robert H. Hilderbrand