The Society for Urban Ecology (SURE)
Chapter Central Europe

The Central Europe Chapter of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE-CE) has been formally established at the General Assembly in 2016 during  the 2nd World SURE Congress that took place on 10th  July in Shanghai.

The SURE-CE Chapter is open for interested SURE members, who want to be active in the field of Urban Ecology in the Central Europe understood in the broadest sense. Due to several urban ecological similarities the main aim of the Chapter is networking of active scientists as well as practitioners around common interests.


Main areas of SURE – CE Chapter activities


  • Cooperation at the preparation of joint research projects and publishing of their scientific results;
  • Exchange of experiences, share of publications and information about interesting events;
  • Organizing regional scientific meetings: symposia, seminars, and workshops.


SURE Central Europe Chapter Board


Executive Board
The office of SURE – Central Europe Chapter


Department of Integrated Geography, Faculty of Geographical and Geological Science

Adam Mickiewicz University

ul. Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10

61-680 Poznań, POLAND


Joining the SURE-CE Chapter


SURE members who feel interested in issues of broadly understand Central Europe are asked to contact the members of the SURE CE Chapter Executive Board. After acquisition of willingness to join CE Chapter we will include interested, to the mailing list with ongoing activities. So far CE chapter is created by people from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Joining the Chapter does not require any additional fees so feel free to contact us!

Chapter reports
