SURE Summer School 3 – 8 July 2017 in Salzburg
Sustainability of environment and development in urban regions – The case of Salzburg region, Austria
Venue: Salzburg, Austria – Paris Lodron University, Nature Science Faculty Building, Hellbrunnerstr. 34
Subject: Sustainability of environment and development in urban regions – The case of Salzburg region, Austria
Organizer: Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) in Partnership with Urban and Landscape Research Group, University Salzburg, Austria (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Breuste) – Chapter Central Europe
Partner: THEI – Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, China, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Horticulture and Landscape Management Faculty of Design and Environment (Assistant Prof. Allen Zhang, Program Leader)
Participants: MA, PhD and Employed from the TU Dresden, University of Salzburg, University of Bucharest (Rumania) and Universidad CAECE, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Course Content:
Course structure: Half day lecture and half day field trip, or the whole day lecture, or the whole day field trip in each day, one day excursion to the Austrian Eco-City solarCity Linz, Pichling
1) Natural Environment – Definition of nature and environment, humans in natural environments, natural and artificial environments, environmental ethics
2) Overview of Environment Issues – Environmental concerns, atmospheric emissions, water pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, radioactive wastes, depletion of natural resources, land use and ecological impacts
3) Environmental problems – Environmental impacts of the automobile, fuel and energy requirements, clean technology, the role of electric power, overview of environmental impacts, alternative energy sources and technology, outlook of alternative energy technology
4) Urban air pollution – Air quality, accumulation of pollutants in an urban area, ozone in urban area, controlling ozone formation
5) Global warming and the Greenhouse Effect – Fundamentals of the greenhouse effect, radiative forcing of climate change, temperature changes from radiative forcing, climate changes, carbon emission and energy use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, future outlook
6) Defending the environment – Changing attitudes, nature conservative, environmentalism
7) Politicizing the environment – A politics of nature, ecologism: a new political ideology, the emergence of green politics
8) Sustaining the environment and globalization – The idea of sustainable development, history of sustainable development, sustainable development in practice, sustainable society, global environment, globalization, global problem and global solutions
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