The Society for Urban Ecology (SURE)
The Salzburg Summer School on Allotment Gardens in European Cities

The Salzburg Summer School on Allotment Gardens in European Cities

Events 2014

The Salzburg Working Group Urban and Landscape Ecology together with the COST Action TU 1201, Urban Allotment Gardens in European Cities – Future, Challenges and Lessons Learned and the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) organized

The Salzburg Summer School on Allotment Gardens in European Cities
1-4 July 2014 in Salzburg, Austria
Venue:  Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstraße 34

The subject of the Summer School was allotment gardens in the context of the European cities including all relevant aspects of allotment gardens development in Europe. Our focus will be on four research areas: Planning and Policy, Sociology, Ecology, and Urban Design.

31 participants from 14 European and 4 Asian countries joined the Summer School (at master or PhD level and early stage researchers).  

All students attended all scheduled sessions in order to acquire an integrated view on the subject area of this Summer School (i.e. European Allotments).

The following reputed scientists from different European countries supported the Summer School as tutors:

  1. Planning and Policy: Dr Nazila Keshavarz, Germany (COST), Dr Chiara Certomà, Italy (COST)
  2. Sociology: Prof. Johan Bastard, Norway (COST), Dr. Cristian Ioja, Romania (SURE)
  3. Ecology: Prof. Andrzej Mizgajski, Poland (COST), Dr. Burghard Meyer, Germany (SURE)
  4. Urban Design: Prof. Dagmar Haase, Germany (SURE), Mr Russel Good UK (COST)

All students were able and had the interest to do preparative works for the Summer School in advance, following the requirements of the tutors that will be informed in due course.


New research concepts and research questions on ecological aspects of allotment gardens were developed during the Summer School: … READ MORE

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